A newsletter is one of the most important building blocks of your email marketing program. Well-executed, email newsletters tell the story of your business in a way that keeps your readers informed and interested — and keeps your brand and services in their minds.
More than that, newsletters are an excellent internal tool as well. Employee newsletters are an effective way to keep your own team engaged and excited, so that they continue to offer customers and leads the best possible service.
All your newsletter questions answered
Newsletters are so vital to email marketing that we created a free white paper, Email Newsletters 101, explaining everything you need to know about them.
Why do you need a newsletter?
What should you put in an email newsletter?
How should your newsletter look?
How can you attract sign-ups?
How do you know if your newsletter is working?
What should you put in — and leave out of — an employee newsletter?
No more newsletter writer’s block
In addition to tackling these common newsletter questions, Email Newsletters 101 offers dozens of potential newsletter topics to spur your creative juices. Instead of staring at a blank screen wondering what to tell your customers, adapt one of these proven newsletter subjects to your own business.
If an email newsletter isn’t already part of your regular customer outreach, it’s time to start. If you’re running a regular newsletter but aren’t sure it’s doing everything it should, we have help for that, too.
Email Newsletters 101 takes the guesswork out of newsletters. Download your free copy today.
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© 2018, John Habib. All rights reserved.
The post Get answers to all your newsletter questions appeared first on Vertical Response Blog.
Source: Vertical Response