Every weekday we bring you the Ad Age/iSpot Hot Spots, new TV commercials tracked by iSpot.tv, the real-time TV ad measurement company with attention and conversion analytics from more than eight million smart TVs. The ads here ran on national TV for the first time over the weekend.A few highlights: Papa John’s serves up a fresh 30-second cut of an ad in which its diverse employeesas opposed to its controversial, now-departed founder and CEO John Schnattertalk up the pizza chain. (Ad Age’s Jessica Wohl gave the backstory on the campaign and shared a 60-second web version last week: “Papa John’s ad puts real employees to work repairing its brand”). Levi’s also offers a diversity-themed commercial that encourages viewers to head to the polls in November (“It’s your voice, it’s your vote”). And FedEx presents a cinematic period piece of an ad that dives into the history behind a treasured family photo (one that, in present day, gets shipped by FedEx).
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Source: Ad Age – News